Check LIC Policy PAN Linking Status – How To Link PAN With LIC Policy

How To Link PAN With LIC Policy Online for LIC IPO, Check LIC Policy PAN Link Status Step by Step Guide

The Life Insurance Corporation IPO is going to launch at any time soon, LIC has kept a quota for policyholders in its IPO. As per the LIC IPO Draft Red Herring Prospectus, 10% shares are reserved for LIC policyholders providing that the policy is purchased on or before 13th Feb 2022. So if you are a LIC policyholder and want to apply for LIC IPO then the linking of LIC policy with PAN card is mandatory.

How To Link PAN With LIC Policy

First, keep your PAN Card number, LIC policy number, and Mobile Phone handy with you. Now follow the steps mentioned below

Open the LIC PAN Seeding Link –

A form will open, Fill the details in the form

1. Date of Birth: Enter Date of Birth of Policy Holder (Date of Birth must be entered as mentioned on PAN Card )

2. Gender: Click Male/Female or Other

3. Email: enter your email ID

4. PAN: Enter PAN card number of policyholder

5. Full Name As Per PAN: Enter the name of policyholder as printed on the PAN card

6. Mobile Number: Enter mobile number(Mobile number must be active as OTP is received on this number)

7. Policy Number: Enter policy numbers which you want to link with the pan card, you can link any number of policies with PAN card just enter the policy number and click Enter then again type the policy number and press Enter key again.

8. In the next step, Click on the Check Box for consent to link PAN and LIC Policy,

9. Enter the Captcha shown in the corresponding field and Click Send OTP

10. You will receive 6 digit OTP on the mobile number you have provided above, Enter the OTP in the box and click Submit

In this way the linking of LIC policy with the PAN card is complete

Check LIC Policy PAN Link Status

If you have already linked your PAN card with LIC Policy and want to know if they are linked properly and is there any mismatch in the documents linked then you can check LIC policy PAN link status online in the following way:

  1. Open the URL
  2. Enter the Policy Number for which you want to check LIC Policy PAN Linking Status
  3. Enter Date of Birth of Policy Holder
  4. Enter PAN Card NUmber of PolicyHolder
  5. Now Enter Captch and Click Submit

The LIC Policy and PAN Link status are now available to check.